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At Trinity, we aim to challenge children to think, to question, to wonder and to explore new concepts and ideas.  It is our aim for children to be placed into regular situations that enable them to develop their imagination and to grow into a place where they can see different and alternative possibilities whilst striving to find new and exciting ways to understand things that they perhaps didn’t before with confidence and assurance.  In this way, all learning has the aim and purpose of allowing children to be surrounded by experiences and growth that both allows them to live life to the full now and in the future.  By developing and having their ideas challenged and extended they also begin to develop their understanding of other children’s views and beliefs and to learn how to treat them with empathy and respect.

Throughout our worship planning we focus on what it means to be a servant, to serve Jesus, the people around us and the world, which really encourages children to develop their love and compassion of other people and to develop an understanding of the impact they can have.  Have a look at the courageous advocacy page to see some of the inspiring things our children choose to do in service of others.


Spirited Art Week June 2024 - Where is God?

During our first Spirited Art week at Trinity, the children were introduced to the big question ‘Where is God?’

The children discussed this question within small groups and shared their responses with the whole class. They were also able to answer additional questions that stemmed from their discussions.

Later in the week, the children created a piece of artwork which related to their response to the question. All the children thought carefully about their written response that accompanies their artwork.


Visit to Blackburn Cathedral - Threads through Creation

Children from KS2 went to visit Blackburn Cathedral to see the Threads through Creation exhibition. The children were able to see up close the creations that had been made out of silk. The children discussed what they could see and how it related to the creation story. The children were very inspired by what they saw and discussed how, as a school, we should create our own creation display.