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Year 4

Our Teachers

  • 4J with Mrs K Johnson 
  • 4W with Mrs V Walsh 
  • 4C with Mrs L Charlson

Our Teaching Assistants:

  • Mrs S Moulton
  • Mrs S Dunderdale
  • Miss Hume
  • Mrs V Daggers

Contact Email:


Homework - Year 4

Copies of the homework grid, along with the spellings are also available on Seesaw.  Any completed work can be brought into school or photos and videos can be uploaded to Seesaw.

Reading & Library

Each child has a yellow reading record book. Accompanying this is their guided reading book.

In the record book, please write a message to confirm that your child has read and whether they enjoyed the book. We appreciate your support in encouraging lots of reading at home.

They must bring the guided reading book to school on the day of their guided reading session.   Children will continue to take free choice reading books and a book from the library during Year 4. They will have the opportunity to change their library book once a week.

This means that every child will always have a variety of reading books at one time. We love reading in Year 4!!

PE Kit 

Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is FULLY LABELLED with their FULL NAME, in a bag labelled with their FULL NAME and CLASS. Earrings should be removed or covered with surgical tape for all PE lessons.

4J have PE  on a Tuesday and Wednesday, 4C  and 4W have PE on a Mondy and Wednesday.