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Year 3

Our Teachers

  • 3F with Mrs F Fairweather
  • 3D with Miss A Dewhurst
  • 3H with Miss M Hill

Our Teaching Assistants:

  • Mrs K Martin
  • Mrs J Walker
  • Mrs F Lee
  • Miss O Parkinson

Contact Email:

Reading & Library

Your child will be encouraged to read a breadth of fiction and non-fiction books. They will have the opportunity to be part of the school ‘Reading Challenge’ whereby they can choose a book from the school library each week.

Please make sure reading books are returned to school by Thursday, so they can be changed.

Your child’s reading record can be used at home to make a record of any additional reading you are doing there.  If your child reads more than 3 times a week, and it is recorded in their diary, then they will get a green reading ticket, which will go into the draw at the end of the half term and your child could win a book. 

PE Kit 

Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is FULLY LABELLED with their FULL NAME, in a bag labelled with their FULL NAME and CLASS. Your child needs an indoor and outdoor PE kit. Earrings should be removed or covered with surgical tape for all PE lessons.

Indoor PE Kit - Please make sure your child has black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms and a purple Trinity PE t-shirt.  

Outdoor PE Kit - Please make sure your child has black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt.

School PE kits should be kept in school at all times as PE days sometimes change due to other events in school.




Let's Go Sing 2025

Year 3 will be participating in Let's Go Sing 2025! This year the concert will be taking place at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool. This is a great opportunity to promote the enjoyment of singing and performing in front of a live audience. Each half term up until March 2025, the children will have a visit from Let's Go Sing to practice the songs ready for the concert. 

To practice the songs at home, children can access the songs via the KidsZone on the Let's Go Sing website Home | Whoops A Daisy Music 

The password to KidsZone is available on your child's Seesaw account. 

The concert date is Monday 10th March 2025 at the Opera House, Winter Gardens, Blackpool. 

Tickets are now on sale! They can be purchased via link below;

Let's Go Sing! | Winter Gardens Blackpool

The children will be seated on the left side of the stage, as you look at it. Doors open at 6pm and the concert starts at 6:30pm. 

This will be a fantastic opportunity to cheer on your amazing children as they sing their hearts out in a stunning venue. Gather your family, invite friends, and join us for an unforgettable musical celebration!

Meet the Teacher 

Please find below an attachment of the Meet the teacher presentation.

Meet the teacher powerpoint