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Ethos & Values

Trinity CE/Methodist Primary School's vision and aim is based around the passage from John 10:10 that states that Jesus "came so that we may have life, life in all its fullness".  Through this we aim to provide all children, staff and families with the opportunity to thrive, develop and grow so that they can truly live a life in all its fullness in the Christian understanding that through Jesus' death on the cross, we can be free to live a life just how he planned for us.  On a daily basis, this means that all children, are given equal opportunities to learn, experience and thrive.  We aim that all children should be able to leave our school equipped to succeed in modern life today.

Please click below to find the Trinity Equality Charter created by the School Council.

Trinity Charter

  • We will treat each other with respect. Whoever they are, whatever they look like and wherever we are.
  • We help people whether they are a girl or a boy or if they speak a different language or have different skin colour.
  • We will celebrate other people`s achievements and skills and be happy for them.
  • If someone treats one of us unfairly we will tell an adult in school about their behaviour because at Trinity School we show 0 tolerance towards this.
  • We have groups and meetings to make sure all children will share their views such as eco council and school council.
  • The adults at Trinity School will listen to us and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

Created by Trinity School Council

We value the following aspects of our school
and aim to:


Share and promote Christian values, participating in Christian worship both in school and in local churches.


Help all to understand, value and appreciate each other’s roles within the school.


Encourage a sense of belonging to a community, based upon mutual respect.


Recognise and celebrate achievement, encouraging everyone to succeed, both academically and in the wider aspects of the school.


Provide a stable and secure Christian environment, enabling all to pursue their spiritual journey.


Develop a positive working partnership through involvement with the wider community.


Provide a broad and balanced education for all, whilst recognising the varying needs of individuals.


Encourage all members of the school to grow in confidence and self-esteem.


Ensure that pupils become responsible and caring members of our modern British society.


Promote high standards of attainment and achievement by assisting everyone to do their best.