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Class worship

Worship is an important part of every day life at Trinity.  Whether that's through particular planned collective worship, in class worship or during other parts of school life.  Children and staff are encouraged to actively worship in a variety of ways, with their voices, through dance, with their words, their prayers, their actions and to ultimately find ways to be able to worship in a meaningful way for themselves.  Throughout COVID all our collective worships continued online, with regular worship being led by local ministers, staff or using the diocesan resources and online worship.  When children couldn't sing it really opened our eyes and thoughts to worshipping through the use of signing and dance which are both used now and children still love. 

The worship themes that we cover are part of a 4 year plan that offers a wide range of topics, covering important themes in the bible, Christian values, important religious times of year, current events and celebrating how the vision is lived out in school and home life.   Our worship team at key stage 2 works hard with the worship leader to plan each half term, listening to the voice and opinions of the children.    All out worship is led by either members of staff or the local ministers Ian Sarginson, Rachel Harris, Ellen Monk Winstanley and Helen Millward.

Monday and Tuesday’s worship are at 10.00am at Unity Place and 10.15am Brookwood Way 

Wednesday is worship praise based around worshipping God through music, song, movement and prayer.

Thursday is a class worship where children reflect on “Big Questions” about faith, learn about different Christian people, values and British values and have an opportunity to celebrate the children’s achievements outside of school. 

Friday worship is Celebration Assembly, where children are rewarded with either Star or the week, or Head teacher’s Award, which is led by the Head, Deputy or a member of the SLT.  It is also an opportunity to celebrate other academic achievements within school alongside their parents. 

At key points in the year, Christmas, Easter and end of the year the whole school enjoy collective worship at Brookwood way.   Throughout the summer term each class has a celebration assembly that they plan, write and deliver to their parents to celebrate how they have lived life in all its fullness this year.   

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